DTS Rules
This chapter describes the maintenance screen for all DTS rule types. You can open this screen by executing the step Maintain business objects.
The toolbar provides the following functions:
Save (Ctrl+S): Saves the rule.
Edit/display (Ctrl+F1): Switches between edit mode and display mode.
Check rule (Ctrl+F2): Performs the consistency check of the displayed rule.
Activate rule (Ctrl+F3): Performs the consistency check and activates the rule if successful. Only active rules can be used for the transformation processing.
Toggle ignore flag (Shift+Ctrl+0): Sets or clears the ignore flag for the displayed rule. If the rule is already assigned to a field, setting the flag also sets the assignment to the status Ignored by rule and sets the assignment to the status New.
Test rule (F8): Tests the rule. For more information, see the chapter Testing DTS Rules.
Delete rule (Shift+F2): Deletes the displayed DTS rule.
WARNING If the rule is assigned already, a pop-up appears in order to confirm the assignment deletion. Deleting the assignments is not a reversible action. -
Copy rule (Ctrl+F5): Allows you to copy the existing rule. This function is often used as a rule backup before a change. The best practice is to set the new rule to the status Ignore.
Mark as done (Shift+F1): Specifies that the scope setup is finished for this activity and that no further changes are expected. It also disables edit mode.
The menu bar provides the following functions:
Setup > Undo mark as done: Reverses the Mark as done function.
Rule object > Show generated rule code: Shows a form that will be used in the generated program for the rule execution.
Rule object > Show changing users: Shows the list of users who have changed the rule.
Rule object > Show attachment: Shows the content of the uploaded attachment. If multiple attachments are loaded, an option appears in order to select the one you want to display.
Rule object > Upload attachment: Uploads a file. A detailed rule specification or mapping delivered by the customer can be saved here.
Rule object > Manage attachment: Allows you to replace or delete the uploaded attachments.
The DTS rule maintenance screen consists of generic attributes for DTS rules and specific attributes for rule types. The rule type-specific attributes as well as the meanings of individual rule types are described in the chapters below.
Generic attributes for DTS rules:
Rule ID: Non-editable field. Unique identifier of the DTS rule.
Status icon: Shown to the left of the rule ID and indicates whether the rule is active or inactive.
Description: Describes the rule logic, for example Customer mapping (merge).
Rule usage: Depending on the scenario, some options might not be available, e.g. using filtering does not make sense for a Conversion scenario.
Filtering only: The rule is used in read tasks only. This rule filters the table records for the read tasks.
Conversion only: The rule is used in insertion tasks only. This rule changes the values in the insertion tasks before the database insertion.
Filtering and conversion: The rule acts as a filter but also changes the values. This rule usage option is mainly used in the Conversion scenario.
Read phase conversion: The rule is applied in read tasks, and it changes value before it is stored in the DTS cluster.
Virtual field initialization: The rule populates a virtual field (other fields are not supported) that is defined in DTS transfer structure. For more information, see the chapter DTS Transfer Structure Editor.
Manual assignment: Flag indicating that the rule will be ignored by the assignment steps. For more information, see the chapter DTS Assignment Logic.
Manual input required: Flag indicating that a user action is required (e.g. a mapping upload or fixed value change) before the transformation execution.
Converted business object: Name of the business object that the rule is changing.
Dependent bus. objects: Opens a pop-up with a simple ALV to add the dependent business objects. You can only add objects in edit mode. The F4 help displays the available business objects. DTS limitation: You can add up to five business objects.
Dependent business object(s): Shows the selected business objects with a semicolon ; as a separator, e.g. dep_BO1; dep_BO2.
Rule type: Non-editable field. Shows the type of the displayed rule.
Set condition: These buttons are not available for a mapping rule or a number range renumbering rule. If the mapping rule needs to be conditioned, the condition rule type is used. For more information about setting the conditions, see the chapter Condition Rule.